Welcome to UBF News Management System
UBF News Writing, Translating, Proofreading and Publishing Website.
- Importance and Necessity
- Unity under GD (HQ)'s direction
Sense of unity of UBF members (missionaries, national leaders and
new gens) and UBF direction (HQ, GD) had been shared through weekly
SWS Pts and fellowship and early morning prayer meetings as well as
personal DB and prayer time of entire members
- Prayer support
Share weekly Work of God and Prayer topics for prayer support.
- Encouragement
Encouraging sick coworkers, rejoicing with new HCs and babies with
more than 70% of House Church missionaries who are working alone and
lonely to know each other
- Communication Channel
The role of UBF newspapers n PTs in the age of social media, a
channel for communication, to support HQ direction as well as one
HCs, national leaders, new gens where God’s works keep growing
World Mission News Continental Writers:
- Africa - Steven Sebbale (Uganda)
- Asia - John Kim (Japan)
- Canada - Paul Chang (Hamilton)
- CIS - Barnabas Kim (Russia)
- Europe - Daniel Park (Germany)
- Korea - Caleb Choi (Daejeon)
- Latin America - Juan Moon (Argentina)
- Oceania - Moses kang (Australia)
- USA - Augustine Suh (Chicago)